Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happy #8!

Dear Baby I,

I cannot believe our little boy is already 8 months old! Saturday was your 8 month mark and what a day we had! It started out slow - the usual, no sleeping all nite, breakfast all over your face and the kitchen, crying through your afternoon naptime....the usual! But what a great afternoon we had! We took you to the IrishFest...er...Scottish Fest (apparently there is QUITE a difference!). YOu had so much fun. I am almost certain music is in your future! You absolutely love live music. Festivals, church, street players - anything musical lights you up automatically! Everyone kept telling me how cute you were - as if Mommy didnt already know! Being outside (in the oncoming heat) did you in for the rest of the day! You were pretty much lights out after dinner...well until midnight that is!

The rest of the weekend was just as nice. NOt much of anything really happened. You got to spend some quality with Daddy. You really loved that - you both did. You are a very lucky boy to have such a great Daddy. He is so into his Baby Boy! I have a feeling you are going to be his little shadow as you get older, following him around like a puppy! YOu are going to have to fight off Doc for that title!
I really cannot believe how big you are getting! It really is amazing. Everyday it seems you grow a little more into a little boy and less of my baby boy. Before I know it you will be running around and then off to school and then off to college and then married (or not) off! All that and Mommy will still only be a very young 32 years old! Hoy Vey! I dont know if I can handle all of this! Maybe you should just stay my little baby forever! My little baby that sleeps thru the night! (Mommy can dream!) It is amazing what that little giggle of yours or your toothless grin can do to make my long day complete!
The weather is definitely heating up around here! But the winds are also kicking in, which means your poor little allergies are in overdrive! The sun is also going to be a big problem for you this summer. No matter how much sunscreen I put on you, I dont think it is enough to battle off the Vegas sun. I do not think we are going to be outside very much - unless we are in the pool. I guess we will have to hang out inside with Super Why on those Steamy Hot Summer days!
8 months old and still no teeth or crawling. I have a feeling that they and walking are going to hit us all at once. Hopefully sleeping thru the night will be in the mix too! You are learning how to unsnap your onesies and pull off your diaper though! I am pretty sure that is a disasterus combo in the making! You would love to be naked all the time! So much like your daddy!
Well baby we are off to another food fight in the kitchen. You vs me and the peas and carrots! You always win, but one day I will get them in your mouth with out a fight! You are doing much better with the finger foods - cut up watermelon, avocados, bananas, and grapes. I am not sure you ever got a piece of them in your mouth but the dogs sure love licking them off you and the floor!
Happy 8 Months of Sleepless Bliss Baby! Mommy and Daddy Love you so much and cannot wait to see what Month 9 has to bring. You are our beautiful baby blessing and we wouldn't change a thing (except the sleeping) for anything!
I love you Baby I!
Love, mommy


  1. awww. sounds like you're having some memorable times out there. scottish fest! woot.

    hello to all, and happy 8 months little man.

    so many great pics in this too. love you all!

  2. Happy 8 months,to our Dear Grandson, little Sir Isaac! It's hard to believe how big you've gotten, & how much you can now do on your own. You, Mommie & Daddy all look wonderful, happy & healthy. Miss you all.
    Luv, Gramma Berta & Grampa Pat

  3. wow, he is cute! and are those pictures of him....SLEEPING:) thanks for sharing all this, nik!
