Dear Baby I,
Fall is coming! Fall is coming! Even Kohl's has all the Christmas gear up and running! So my question is....Is it supposed to be this hot in Colorado??? Really?? I didnt think so! Our mornings start off with hoodies and hats and our afternoons are barely diapers!!! I think we brought the Vegas heat with us!
Heat aside, Another great week was had by all! We got to wander around our new city a little more - met some new neighbors -made some new friends - and had a great trip up to Aunt Sue's ranch!
Dare I say you even had a good night's sleep Saturday nite??? After 4 days of up by 3am you were due!!! I do not understand how such a little active human can operate on such little sleep! You are a medical marvel! (NOTE: at the time of publishing this post, we had just suffered a horrendous night with a full blown scream fest at 2am!!! UGH)
Well kiddo, last week was all about you not eating - and I won't say that anything has changed on that front, but I will say that I think Dairy is not being kind to you. We tried the whole milk and milk yogurts weeks ago - and of course they were followed by HORRIBLE nights and some of the most dangerous diaper changes EVER! Since then I have started you with regular soymilk and yogurt and you seemed to be doing fine. We tried the goat's milk dairy because it is supposed to be easier to digest - and of course you wouldnt eat it. Finally Mommy broke down this week and gave you Mac and cheese (gasps, I know! - fear not readers -it was Annie's Organics - not Kraft (the horror!!)!!) Surprise Surprise you LOVED it! You even ate an entire bowl of it - mostly off the floor - but whatever - YOU ATE IT!! Alas, last night you were a WRECK!!! Screaming your head off for most of the night and drinking nearly 4 full bottles of (extremely) watered down formula! So I do not get it!!??? Are you allergic/sensitive to dairy or what?? I guess it is time for a trip to a Denver Doctor and get the ol' allergy test done! I hate to be giving you dairy and it hurting you - on the other hand Mommy thinks dairy is GAAAAROSSS, and doesnt mind if you dont have it anyway!! :)
In other news our first week of babysitting went over well. You and Saydie had a great time playing together - you even ALMOST shared your toys with her - until you decided against it! I really think having other kids around will be great for you - and me - as long as they are someone else's!! :) You seem to pick up on things much quicker when you see another tiny human do it. You are already learning to stack your blocks, push your cars around, and dare I say, put some toys away! I really think the babysitting gigs will be a win-win!
This weekend was full of family fun as always! We brought you to your first bar. HA! It was a full restaurant but lucky us we got seated in the "bar" section - along with 8 other babies. I guess they figured you little ones would be less noticeable among the drunks! :) Seriously though, we had a great time and followed up dinner with a nice little stroll through Cherry HIll. Saturday we had a full playdate at the park. Swings, sliding boards, lots of sand and plenty of sunshine! A perfect Saturday afternoon capped off by a trip to the REI MEga store where Daddy joyfully stuffed you in every snowsuit and snowboarding gear he could find!
Yesterday started out with a bang! It took us 45 minutes to get ready and get to church - and then you lasted 6 whole minutes before I had to get your screaming little monster self out of there! Next we headed up to Windrock Ranch to see Aunt Sue- and this time we dared to take the dogs with us. Doc was going crazy with all the open space - and Zorro was pretty content too - until he saw those horses! I do not know what he thought he was going to do to them, but he surely barked them out! You had a great time playing in the barn - and getting VERY dirty. You AND Daddy got very dirty! Good thing I learned to pack you 3 outfits for our trips to Aunt Sue's!!! One extra is definitely not enough!
YOu were so wiped out by the end of the day you fell asleep before we got out of her driveway!
Monday MOnday is back again and so far today is looking up to be a calendar marking eventful day! You woke early - and cranky. WE played some and then you actually followed me into your room and pointed and cried to get into your bed. Then you Fell Asleep!! WHAT????? Never has such madness occurred! I was a little scared by your willingness to hit the hay! You better not be getting sick! I must admit I am enjoying this little unexpected free time and I hope you wake up a little more cheerful than you went down!
Well enjoy your sleep little walking wandering Mr BoJangles. Thank you for another amazing weekend of fun and adventure! YOu make everyday - everything a little more exciting. You are a very special little boy and Everyday I am more thankful to be your Mommy! I love you my dirty little pretzel-eating-food-flinging monkey!
Love, Mommy
PS ...Also a Hip Hooray Happy Birthday going out to your favorite Nona!! 95 years young!! Sorry we missed your party Nona (not like we were invited or anything....I bet that was your Aunt Leslee's doing - when we she learn Mommy is Nona's favorite??!!) We wont miss 96!!! Hope to see you soon! We love you VERY Much!!!
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