Well another week living in Colorado squalor little man. Heck with all these trips to the zoo, parks, story hours, tree lined street strolls, street fairs, farmers markets, and playdates I am really starting to feel bad for you! No wonder you never sleep! You - We - don't sit still long enough!
But this week bumpkin we are not going to talk about your (lack of) sleep. This week mommy wants to address your current state of Hunger strike we have going on. The past month or so you seem to have a huge dismay for foods on a spoon. Your combatative skills are dead on! You can swat that spoon away from your face to get yogurt on the walls of the next room! I just cannot seem to get it to sneak into your mouth. We used to be so fond of the yogurt too! Ahhhh, the good ol' days.
And what happened to our love of avocados and bananas? Now you act like they taste liver and onions! At this rate you are going to be in grade school sipping your lunch out of a bottle!
This all started, of course, with the dreaded Graham cracker initiation. I knew it would end up being my fault! Grahams are the only thing you want to eat - well, grahams, cell phones, turkey basters, remotes, pens, and key chains....obviously. :) Food? Not so much! I am beginning to think I am going to have to take the Zorro approach with you and wait you out - when you are hungry enough you will eat!

Sunday was our lazy home day with a little trip down the block to the street fair. You were a hit with your big floppy hat and cool red wagon!
The warmer weather seems to be hanging on lately. I know sooner than later I will be wishing it back...but for now I think it is HOT HOT HOT! Maybe you are too hot to sleep? Although as I am writing this, it is 6am...you have been up since 4am and the over-tired-crankiness is starting to set in. But rather than give in, you are throwing all of your tools off your work bench and smooshing your grahams into the carpet. Oh well....

I love you Baby BabblesOn!
Love, mommy
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