Well buddy you must rate pretty high on your Uncle Ronnie's list of VIPs! In a completely UN- Uncle Ronnie move, he and Prada drove out for a surprise visit to see us in Colorado!!! It was such an unexpected- although desperately appreciated treat! We loved having them here and didnt want them to leave! Team 1901 Back together again!! Hooray! It was the perfect end to a hectic week.
The week started on a shaky note - The Fourmile Canyon fire in Boulder had us worried about Aunt Sue. We took an impromptu trip to see her and see if we can help. Her house was fine but the fire was dangerously close - and she had to be evacuated. Apparently her horses can be more stubborn than you monster mash. They wouldnt get in their trailer to leave the ranch. So poor Aunt Sue had to spend 3 long days trying to get them safety. Fortunately everyone ended up safe and sound - unfortunately for you Daddy says you are NEVER getting a horse! :(
Next up on our week was our first playdate at the Denver Zoo. We had such a good time - you especially loved the train ride! You made 2 new friends, Evan and Georgia. Oddly enough you suddenly became more interested in walking since being around kids that walk. Hmm... succumbing to peer pressure already! The Mommies were very nice too! Although, all their talk of getting ready for Baby #2 had me ready to jump in the lion's den! We are still going strong on our ONE AND DONE motto kiddo! Seriously though, our neighborhood really is a parents dream come true! There is so much to do so close to home. I feel so blessed and fortunate that I get to stay home with you everyday and watch you experience all these new people and places! I love hearing you sing you "bah-bah" song, waving to Super WHy and Barney everytime they come on the TV screen, and I especially love digging all of clothes and shoes out of the garbage can after you put them in! Or the way you will only eat a banana if the peel is still on it or when you clash the pots and pans all over the house! I secretly love it all! Everything is a new adventure and I love being there every step of the way!

Saturday started off with a bang! Uncle Ronnie had a great yoga class and then found a nearby church for sale -JACKPOT! And equally impressive Daddy and I had a great Yard sale score and found the perfect dining room table for the house! It was a win win!! Then we all headed off to Evergreen to go to a BIG mountainous dog park - Shall I say win-win-win-win-win!!! We were happy - the mutts were tired and happy (double bonus!) All was well - until someone decided sleeping was not going to happen for them that night! Grrr...
Sunday Morning Uncle Ronnie and Prada headed back to Vegas :( But I have a good feeling they will be back soon - I hope at least! It was so great having them here, we wished they never had to leave! After church, you, Daddy and I headed over to the Farmer's Market - Denver-Style. You riding in the back of Daddy's new bike trailer. I tried it out - I cant believe how horrible of a bike rider I am!! Mommy needs some practice before we venture out like that for sure! Then we set up your ultra cool birthday present form Aunt Gina and Uncle Mark - a backyard playset!!! You are one lucky kid Monster Monkey Boy! Finally we are home and you are in Hour 3 of what is being officially dubbed "YOUR BEST NAP EVER!!!"
All in all, week 2 in Denver has been nothing short of fabulous! Great family time, great weather, happy dogs - and of course some crappy restaurant food (I guess we cannot have it all!) Thanks again to Uncle Ronnie for making the grueling trek out - we couldnt have asked for better company than you and PBear. Hopefully you make a habit of the spontaneous 12 hour drives! We Love you and Can't wait to see you again -SOON!
I love you my Little sleepless boot scooter!
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