YOu seem to be adjusting well, although I fear you are getting a cold - or allergies - Im not sure what the difference is just yet. I would like to say you are sleeping better - but I would be profusely lying about that. Nap time is getting better. Hooray for that!! YOu somehow learned to take your pants off recently. That is a lot of fun...especially when you try it at the park! Shaking your head "no" is also a big thing for you right now. Everything is NO NO NO!! Even yes means NO for you. And then there is the dreaded Pandors's Box I have opened with the Graham cracker I gave you. That is now ALL I can get you to eat. YOu throw - or shall I saw HURL - everything else across the room! My only saving grace for getting some nutrition in you is that you will eat anything I put pasta sauce on. Noodles, cauliflower, broccoli, veggie burgers - as long as it is RED you will eat it....otherwise hurled at the wall it goes! You cause quite the scene at restaurants I might add!
We had a great long family weekend for your 2nd Labor Day Weekend! Friday night we went to the Taste of Denver Food festival downtown. You sure love to be in a crowd! Funny thing we didnt eat too much there - I think Daddy and I ate more of your cheerios than anything! Coloradans dont know too much about Great food - but suprisingly they know a lot about fried food!! French fries, fried pickles, fried twinkies, fried hot dogs - UGH!! Even your junk-food-loving Daddy thought the French fries were too greasy!! A beautiful place to be it is without a doubt - an epicurean nirvana it is definitely NOT!! I guess the ultra fit lifestyle of Colorado does not include their grub!
Monday was a much needed lazy day at home - and even better it was a Daddy/Isaac afternoon! Daddy made dinner while Mommy slept. Then you guys headed out to the Nature and Science museum while Mommy sat home on the porch and quietly read her book (the Happiness Project, which I highly recommend thus far!)
All in all it was a great week with an even greater weekend! I even successfully got the toothbrush with toothpaste INTO your mouth for a full 30 seconds! This place must be a fairy tale! Next up is a play date tomorrow afternoon at the zoo with a little boy we met and his mommy! I am sure it will be fun - if for nothing other than to have someone to share our graham crackers with!
I love you Mr monkey mash! And I love the fun we are having as our family grows - stronger not bigger for heavens sake! Now we just have to conquer this cold/allergy bug and all will be well in fairy land!
I love you! Love, Mommy
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