Dear Baby I,
The leaves are falling, the air is crisp, pumpkins on front porches and it is time for hoodies and sweater - it is quite possibly the most wonderful time of the year! It is October!! Mommy's favorite month! It is hard to believe October is here - which means another year is winding down....How quickly the time flies when we are having fun - or when we NEVER go to sleep and the year is one LOOOOONG day! :)
This week we have a had blast enjoying the (semi) cooler fall weather. Although we have been in Denver for a little more than 1 month now, and NOT 1 drop of rain has fallen yet! We should probably enjoy the warmer dry weather now! I have a feeling when the snow rolls in it will be here to stay for a while!
We had a few playdates with our new friends Sadie and Ryomi. You are so cute to see playing with older kids. You try so hard to do everything they do! Don't try and grow up to quickly kiddo! Mama loves the little man you are!

This week (against your Daddy's advice) I was watching a program on TV about a family hard struck with struggles beyond most people's capacity to manage. I couldnt help but be reminded of how lucky we are to have such a healthy and beautiful baby in our life. Sometimes I take that for granted and need to remind myself that a few sleepless nights is not the end of the world, A random temper tantrum in church is not going to break me, nor will wiping pasta sauce from the floor and walls. I love our time together. I love how I get to be your Stay at home Mommy in these precious early years. I do not want to forget one second of all this time I get to spend with you - nor do I want to rush it in any way, shape, or form. Sometimes I need to remind myself that parenthood is by far not an easy job - but more rewarding than anything I have ever done - or ever attempted to do. I may have completely underestimated parenting before I had you - but I will never take it if for granted again. Being a parent is not a job you can take lightly - nor is it a job where you can take time off. It is a lifetime commitment not meant for everyone. Fortunately for you, you lucked out with a mommy and daddy both up for the challenge. You may never know the sweat and tears that go into being a parent for years to come - but when you do you will understand what I am telling you. You will realize one tiny smile or giggle is worth every sacrafice and struggle - and it will forever change the way you see yourself and the world around you.

I read an amazing blog this week (Single Dad Laughing) about how the author was in a store and the man in front of him kept scolding his child to "shut up" and "pretend he wasnt there". I have experienced this situation in real life all too often. The author then went on to say how the little boy cowered at his fathers harsh words and lack of emotion towards him. The author, like I would have, wanted to go up to the man and punch him in the face for being so callous to an innocent child. The moral of the story was parenthood isnt for everyone and - in my opinion - should be banned from some people. Being a parent is more than being capable to spawn an offspring. It is being able to grow and foster a child's ability to go out in the world and do great things, to help those around them, and to help make the world a better place overall. I truly believe some people are not capable of that - for themselves or their offspring. It is a very heart breaking realization. I am all for needing a license to procreate! I am also a huge fan of adoption, and would love to explore that option for our family someday. Until then I can only hope we are giving you everything we have to make you the best you can be - emotionally, spiritually and mentally. A lesson we learned from our amazing parents.

Wow kiddo - I real flew off the tangent ramp today!
Lest I not mention this past week's greatest achievement of all! Thursday you SLEPT THRU THE NITE!! We put you to bed at 8pm and woke up to the alarm buzzing at 5am!!! You never made a peep! We were shocked! Your daddy never jumped out of bed so fast! He ran into your room assuming someone snuck in in the middle of the night and snatched you up! ALthough it was not the "miraculous turn of events" we were hoping for. Friday night was nothing short of a nitemare - full of screaming, kicking, tossing, turning - and not sleeping! Oh well....We will always have that one golden Thursday Nite! :)
The week ahead looks full of promise as well with a trip to the zoo, playdates, and a pumpkin fest on the agenda! Possible dare I say a visit from our favorite uncle Ronnie and PBear too??? One can only hope!
Well kiddo off to check on you I go...This nap of yours has been going a little too well...that makes me worry :)
Just know my baby monkey man, your mommy and daddy love more than you can imagine and we, like you, are a work in progress. We are learning the ropes together and can only pray it is a long, loving, healthy learning process we are going thru.
I love mr monkey diddle.
Love, Mommy
The sweetest post EVER!
ReplyDeletethanks jylle! miss you!
ReplyDeleteLove this post. So very, very true. Parenthood is by far the single most rewarding role I have ever played in this amazing life. Enjoy!!!!
ReplyDeletethere they are! i cant believe i left my robe and purse in denver...