Dear Baby I,

Good morning my dear! As I sit here in cellar typing away, you are fully engrossed with the Halloween Special of Super Why. Not to mention you have completely emptied a box of Golden Grahams onto the floor (Mommy's of course) and you are wiping off each graham with one of the dozens of baby wipes you have strewn across the floor. Oh Happy Monday! At least you are content...for now!

Dare I say Kiddo we had quite a pleasant week - including some qulaity sleep time! Maybe it was your "non" ear infection - or that nagging cough that kept you a little more on the mellow side this week - but either way we both got some much needed snooze time! I think it has something to do wtih Mommy FINALLY putting batteries back in Scout. I probably should have done that months ago!

This week started out kind of rough for both of us. I got a whiff of whatever bug you had - and it wasnt any more pleasant in the adult version. I swore I was never going to eat again - of course I am already over that vow of abstinence. It was like Morning sickness all over again! ugh! The Horror!!! Luckily this morning sickness only lasted a few days and not a few months! Lucky for us, Mommy it is much better now - but now poor Daddy is up in bed flanked by a garbage can, soda, and blankets. At least Mr. Bug crawled around the house slowly and hit us one at a time! I cant wait until a few days from now when I can poke fun at daddy for making fun of me for all my moaning and groaning last week! Mr. Bug has exacted my revenge! But Mommy is not PURE Evil...I will give it a few days before I begin my "Told you so" chants! Funny how that "bug" always hits then men-folk harder!

I cannot tell you how much I love this weather Monkey man! It has been PERFECT outside! Cool, Crisp and sunny with just a bit enough of a breeze to break out the sweaters and hoodies. Although the night times are getting a bit chillier! I even drove past a car completely covered in snow!! The park seems to close up a bit faster and earlier these days. We snuck in a quick trip to the zoo this week too - with our good friends Sadie and Brady. All was going well, until your lack of nap kicked in! Then it was time to hit the road!
So one challenge we seem to be having lately kiddo is you learning what "SHHH!" means. Ok, honestly we are miserably failing at learning any commands! I have been trying REALLY hard to take you to church with me on Sunday mornings - but I have yet to make it past the Gospel before I have to grab our stuff and dart for the closest exit! It is SO frustrating! I do not know if I am just trying to take you there to early in the game for you or what is going on. As soon as we get there you just start hollering and screaming and doing ANYTHING in your power to run around. I get so aggravated it pretty much defeats the whole purpose of going to Mass. The other parrishoners couldnt be nicer, they give me the "ahhh, you poor thing" smile meanwhile I do all I can to not pick you up by your collar and drag you out to the car! I guess I should wait on bringing you again.
This past weekend was also filled with our family fun as always! Friday we had a long walk in the leaves around the neighborhood. Saturday was Mommy's favorite lazy day! Sunday we went up to visit Aunt Sue and watch her and Daddy chop down a tree for fire wood. (poor tree! :( )

It was MUCH cooler up there than we expected. Winter is on its way - especially up at Windrock! So you and I got to hang out inside and rearrange - and break! - Aunt Sue's knick knacks! I can only imagine that she is still finding carrot sticks and apple slices all over the house from you! Zorro got to meet his first deer...Oh boy does Aunt Sue have her work cut out for her this weekend!

Alas a new week is here - and a special week at that! Its Halloween this weekend! So much to do!! My bet is you are going to be the cutest most fierce dragon ever seen! My little Cute-asoraus Rex!! I cant wait to see you all dressed up although I know it will be short lived! Bring on the trick or treaters! We will be armed with candy, goodies, and lots barks for everyone who enters the door! We have lots to work on this week - learning to be quiet, using a fork (or at least eating off some sort of utensil - in public AT LEAST!!) and for the Upteenth time I will try to get you to point at your "eyes" after Mommy says "where are Isaac's eyes?" 6 billion times!! Its always so easy looking on TV!
I love you Mr. Tiny Taranadon! Time for us to get up, get dressed, and start the day (it is 11:45 AM afterall!
Love, Mommy
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