Dear Baby I,
Boy! Does Mommy need a vacation! Today must be Monday - again! We had such a great week, but boy did we jam pack a lot of stuff in such a little bit of time!
We celebrated your Second Halloween this past weekend with a trip to NEPA! It was a great break and much needed family time for Mommy - but honestly it feels like going away for a short trip is much harder than going away for a longer break. THere is so much to do, so many people to see, and not to mention getting used to that time change all within 3 days! It definitely was not enough! Needless to say Mommy is DRAGGING today - and I am sure I will be for days to come!
Last week brought some more amazing fall weather here in Denver. We spent most of the week getting ready to for our trip. Thursday we did our first solo drive up to Aunt Sue's to drop off Zorro for the weekend! Dare I say I didnt even shed a tear - this time! Even when he stood up and pawed the window as we drove away, Mommy managed to keep it in in check - this time.

I have to say you had a great flight experience this trip! I was pleasantly shocked. You even fell asleep for large portions of the trip. Little did I know that was probably due to the impending fever and ear ache that would be in full bloom Friday.

I should have known we were in for an interesting weekend when you literally shut down the airport terminal by setting off the security alarm as we exited. Apparently you touched something you shouldn't have. I am sure all those passengers who got locked in the terminal were just as amused as you were by all the flashing lights and buzzing alarms. But at least Noni got to see you walk for the first time!

We got to Noni's around midnite and the fun started some time around 5AM on Friday. The screaming was intense! Finally we jumped in the car and your Nono drove us all around NEPA trying to get you to fall asleep. It was a failed attempt, but at least now I know that "Seriously Sinatra" on satelite radio can put me to sleep in minutes! Later that day we attempted to go to Robas Family farms, but the cold, wind, and your inevitable crankiness make it a short - yet expensive trip!
Saturday brought us some great family time with ALL of your Uncles and Aunts were there. So much fun!! We carved pumpkins, ate waaaay too much, played lots, saw lots of friends and of course - ate too much!! We even got to see Mommy's long lost BFF Jylle and your friends Nico and Jude at their spooky Halloween party!

Halloween day was a mixed bag - it started with a rough nite of "sleeping" and things didnt get much better from there. I could tell you werent feeling very well. All the cuddling and sitting still is defintely a red flag with you! We had a huge family lunch with lots of people who came to see you, but unfortunately you wanted no part of it. You only wanted Mommy (which I secretly LOVED). We tried our hand at the Church Halloween party - where you picked up top prize for "scariest Preschooler!" but really you just were not feeling too well. We decided to bag (ha) trick or treating for this year and just let you watch all the kids to the house. And there were LOTS of kids to see! Noni's house is always a big hit with the trick or treaters and Daddy is always amazed at how many kids do a trick for a treat! We just don't give candy away for nothing!!
Well it is now Wednesday afternoon as I wrap this up. You are fast asleep in your bed for nap time and Rhemy is napping on My bed. I literally said "Rhem its nap time" and she walked in the room, pointed to the bed for me to lift her up, and fell fast asleep. I am not quite sure what kind of miracle that was, but I find myself in a quiet house with 2 under 2 sleeping within 20 minutes. I do not want to jinx anything, so that is all I will say...other than WHEW!!

As we creep into November I can only hope some of my love for the holidays rubs off on you! We have so much to do and unfortunately it always seems too little time. When I say "too much to do" I do not mean the hustle and bustle of shopping, wrapping, traveling, cooking...blah blah blah. I embrace all that! I just always feel like we welcome this time of year and then before we know it is over. I want to love every second of this "most wonderful time of the year" with you and not waste one minute of it stressing over the small stuff. So I promise I will try not to do that with you! I will bake because I want too not because I have to, I will shop if I feel the gift is right, and we will welcome all the traveling/visitors because it brings us closer to our family. Holidays are to be celebrated not dreaded!
Well my little pet monster dragon, time for me to get all geared up to take you both to Sadie's house when you guys wake up! Today is the first day of 3 under 2!! God help me!!! I hope you know hope much I love you and as much as I LOVE all the clinginess and cuddle time I have received this week I hate to see you sick! So hurry up and get rid of your ear infection pronto!!
Love you Baby Boy!!
Mommy xo
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