Dear Mr. Monster Baby,
Daddy's boots on! |
I think the cold is here to stay. I hope your cold is not. Last week we had such a great time playing with all your new friends - and licking all the toys at the Science Museum - that you somehow have contracted the most severe cough I have ever heard coming out of such a little body. Lucky for you it did not inhibit your ability to NOT sit still ever - but, of course, it keeps
you - er, us - up all night. I think this actually the first time (in a long while) that I feel really bad for you for being up all night! MOst of the time I usually just feel really bad for me! :)
Mommy's Little Rabbit |
I also had to address the sleeping issue - or lack thereof - at the appointment. SHe asked me how many nights a WEEK you are NOT sleeping through the night. I laughed so hard I cried. When I told her you had not slept through the night sans Benadryl yet - her look of "WTF??" was enough for me to know you are not in the upper 65th percentile of sleepingl! She suggested a few HErbal remedies - and if all else fails a sleep clinic. 15 months old and a sleep clinic...Hoy Vey kiddo when you get older I better get some NICE Christmas gifts - none of that homemade noodle art - I have earned my big ticket items here!! Mommy wants shiny kitchen gadgets and long lonely days at the SPA!!!
isaac stuck under the bed

You were such a big boy for your 15 month shots - but the next day you were completely out of commission. Cranky, Fever, Pale and coughing...not the Saturday Spectacular we were hoping for! Mommy did manage to get some quality cooking and baking time in. We are now 2 days away from Thanksgiving and Im practically done! Take that Noni!!
Your Gramma comes to town today. I bet she cannot wait to see you! I know I cannot wait for the extra set of hands with you! You were not even a walker last time she saw you! I bet you are going to run her in circles!
We have had a threesome week of kids to watch. You, Rhemi, and Sadie all week. Surprisingly I handled you all rather well - for the most part - although I hope triplets are not in my near future! Once again I remind you kiddo, we need to work on our sharing skills - or at least work on not beating up other kids - because I hate to break the news to you - you are not going to be the "big" kid for long! Sooner or later your genetics will catch up with you! So love your hair and your height while you can!
I love my truck Aunt Joyce! |
This week we had a vocabulary breakthrough and I think you actually comprehend the word YES. It is, quite possibly, the cutest thing in the world to see you nod your head up and down. Unlike your quick NO response which you have effortlessly learned, YES is very deliberate and stern. You carefully nod your head as if it may just may fall off when it reaches the top or the bottom. I cannot express in words how cute it is. Speaking of how cute you are, my other favorite 'trick' of yours is the naked run and hug I get every night after Daddy gives you a shower. I love how you bolt out of the bathroom and strut right into the kitchen with your little bare bum and ear to ear grin - every bit of you knowing how cute you look and how naked (and cold!) you are! Then I get a big naked hug and I tell you "this is my favorite part of the night". I love it! Every night I love it more.
at the dr. |
another tantrum... |
I feel like everyday you are growing more and more! Just last night I realized you couldnt stand under the kitchen drawer anymore without hitting your head - I swear you could do that last week! You're like a weed! Each day with you is a new and exciting discovery to be had or a new tantrum to be thrown. I love watching you learn and experience everything. I even love watching you throw yourself onto the floor (sometimes) in complete despair when you are having an Isaac-crisis moment. Oh, and I love your little "gimme" dance. Whenever you want something - usually to eat - you do this little feet shuffle dance and clap your hands. Really you are the cutest kid in the world. I almost feel bad for all the other parents in the world who think that THEY have the cutest little boy! :) And what rhythm! My Little white boy loves to groove!
isaac's idea of sharing |
little wizard |
Well kiddo, after a long day of you and Rhemi running me ragged, Mommy needs to get ready for supper and Gramma's visit. Somehow I dont think Zorro draped across her bed pillows and Graham crackers in the tub are what she needs to see when she walks in the door! I hope you take a good little late nap (as opposed to your horrible little early nap). Just remember how much Mommy and Daddy love you kiddo. And even though we tell you a zillion times we know youll never fully understand how much until you are watching your own little monkey nap.
I love you Mr. Monkey pants - now quit the coughing!
Love, Mommy
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