Dear Monster I,
I knew it!! I knew my baby would get the hang of sharing sooner or later! Finally a break through! Not only have you shared your COUGH with Mommy, but the runny nose, sneezing, up-all-night, general feeling-like-crap-ness too! Thanks Buddy!! What a goood boy!
Well the week started off on a good note. Other than your hacking, nagging, cough all seemed well. We were right on schedule for our first Colorado Thanksgiving, the house was tidy and we made plans for things to do for Gramma's visit. Gramma arrived on Tuesday night and after ten minutes of being shy, you were all talk for her! Of course you cant be too shy when Gramma lugs you a whole suitcase of presents 800 miles! The next day we were busy making the final preparations for the Big Turkey Dinner. Lots of running around and watching the temperature outside drop, drop, drop! Mommy's throat was scratchy but not too bad and Thanksgiving Dinner was practically done. This was going to be a cinch!!

Thursday rolled in like a lamb. The scratchy throat sounded a little more frog-like, but worse than that your cough was coming back in full force! You and I woke up bright and early - like always - and started getting that big bird in the oven. You were such a big help too! You kindly took out all the tupperware and bowls out of the cupboard - along with all the plastic bags, cookie cutters, recycling, and unopened soda cans - all at 5AM mind you! You then proceeded to use the wooden spoons as drumsticks and play Mommy a little song while I cooked. When you were done you decided it was time for me to hold you - just as I began to stuff the turkey. So there we were, in all effort to keep you quiet so everyone else could sleep, Mommy holding you with one hand and the other hand jammed up a turkey! Definitely a sight to be seen. (although thankfully not!)

Dinner went off without a hitch! Aunt Sue, Dr. Sue, Uncle Jeremy, Gramma, Mommy, Daddy and Isaac shared our first Thanksgiving meal. It was such a nice day! Good food, Friends, Family and plenty of Isaac babble for everyone. And then....
And then as the night unwound Mommy scratchy throat turned into that familiar hack and your little nose began to run. Mommy started feeling like major Crapola and I had a feeling your night was not going to be any better. In my head, I'm not sure how I thought this would turn out any better. You can't sleep without me, yet you weren't going to get any sleep with me coughing all night. You screamed every time I let out a little muffle of a cough - and then freaked when I tried to sneak out the room to sleep on the floor. It was a vicious circle. I cough you wake up, I leave you wake up, I stay, I cough - Ugh I swear that was the longest night of my life - until the next night. Did I mention you, me and daddy are trying to share a bed - YOUR bed, as you would like to think.

Since we had no choice other than to wake up early Friday morning, we decided to set up the Christmas tree. All the lights and ornaments were on by 7AM. All the ornaments were off and scattered around the house by 7:30Am. Needless to say the TOP half of the Tree is decorated now. After a productive morning You, Daddy, Gramma, and Uncle Jeremy went in search of some Black Friday deals. I stayed behind and dwelled in my oncoming sickness. Friday night was the same ol story. I cough, you scream, you cough, you scream. ALL NIGHT LONG.
Daddy had the grand idea that Saturday would be Mommy's day to be sick in peace. We love daddy for that! You guys headed out to Leadville to explore the Colorado Ski country that your Great Grandpa used to be stationed at, and mommy stayed home to do nothing but cough, sneeze, drink tea and watch Lifetime. It was a great plan - and things were going so well...
Of course Mommy couldn't sit still too long. I tidied up the house and did a load a laundry. Then I settled into a great Woman-secretly-living-in-her-car-meets-rich-doctor-and-lives-a-cinderella-fairytale-Lifetime flick and fell asleep. THe washer was going when I went to sleep - the washer was going when I woke up. I went down stairs to investigate..only to have the water meet me half way there! What a disaster!! Water everywhere and you guys were more than 3 hours away! Needless to say that was the straw that broke the camels back! The weekend was in rapid decline and the water - and tensions - were rising! Poor Uncle jeremy got bumped to sleeping on the living room floor! Thank Goodness your Mommy and Daddy are classy enough to live out of plastic storage bins! IF we had REAL shelves that would be a DISASTER!

After a horrible night's "sleep" on Sunday, we decided a trip to the doctor was in order for you (heck with Mommy being sick). YOur nose and eyes were in rapid flow mode and that cough was starting to sound worse than ever. Needless to say the doctor had no concrete idea of what was wrong with you but he put you on more antibiotics anyway. And since you have a love for the "bubblegum" medicine, you weren't very disappointed. Monday night kiddo, you were pathetic at best. Once we got home from the doctor's you got worse than before we left (of course). You were so lathargic and nothing says a "sick Isaac" more than when you lay still in my lap and want to cuddle. My poor monkey! You had a rough night, but luckily got some good sleep and seems to be back to your old shennanigans this morning! If only Mommy's rebound was so swift!

Well my baby Monkey boy, we had quite the whirlwind Thanksgiving weekend! Hopefully we are both on the mend to healthier week! (We need to get all better so we can get sick again on our flight to NEPA in a few weeks!) The massive blowers are finally off downstairs, all the contractors are gone, and Gramma has just left for the airport. Now it is just you and I to lay on the floor and watch TV all day in our jammies! What a perfect plan! I wonder how we will screw this one up!

Well, Aside from the flooding disaster and overall lack of sleep , Happy 2nd ever Thanksgiving to you! I am so thankful for everything you have brought into our lives. I cannot imagine where I would be without you and I can only pray I never have to entertain that thought. You are a very special little boy that can light up the room with you silly dancing, Isaarish Babble, and big toofy smiles. Your mommy and daddy are very lucky to have you and I look forward to welcoming the Christmas season with you as you start to learn all about HO HO! (PS...Ho Ho is not just a magnet on the fridge!)
I love you Mr MOnkey Boogey Hacker Boy!
Love, Mommy
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