Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Dear Baby I,
 Good morning my dear! As I sit here in cellar typing away, you are fully engrossed with the Halloween Special of Super Why. Not to mention you have completely emptied a box of Golden Grahams onto the floor (Mommy's of course) and you are wiping off each graham with one of the dozens of baby wipes you have strewn across the floor. Oh Happy Monday! At least you are content...for now!
Dare I say Kiddo we had quite a pleasant week - including some qulaity sleep time! Maybe it was your "non" ear infection - or that nagging cough that kept you a little more on the mellow side this week - but either way we both got some much needed snooze time! I think it has something to do wtih Mommy FINALLY putting batteries back in Scout. I probably should have done that months ago!
 This week started out kind of rough for both of us.  I got a whiff of whatever bug you had - and it wasnt any more pleasant in the adult version. I swore I was never going to eat again - of course I am already over that vow of abstinence. It was like Morning sickness all over again! ugh! The Horror!!! Luckily this morning sickness only lasted a few days and not a few months! Lucky for us, Mommy it is much better now - but now poor Daddy is up in bed flanked by a garbage can, soda, and blankets. At least Mr. Bug crawled around the house slowly and hit us one at a time! I cant wait until a few days from now when I can poke fun at daddy for making fun of me for all my moaning and groaning last week! Mr. Bug has exacted my revenge! But Mommy is not PURE Evil...I will give it a few days before I begin my "Told you so" chants! Funny how that "bug" always hits then men-folk harder!
I cannot tell you how much I love this weather Monkey man! It has been PERFECT outside! Cool, Crisp and sunny with just a bit enough of a breeze to break out the sweaters and hoodies. Although the night times are getting a bit chillier! I even drove past a car completely covered in snow!! The park seems to close up a bit faster and earlier these days. We snuck in a quick trip to the zoo this week too - with our good friends Sadie and Brady. All was going well, until your lack of nap kicked in! Then it was time to hit the road!

So one challenge we seem to be having lately kiddo is you learning what "SHHH!" means. Ok, honestly we are miserably failing at learning any commands! I have been trying REALLY hard to take you to church with me on Sunday mornings - but I have yet to make it past the Gospel before I have to grab our stuff and dart for the closest exit! It is SO frustrating! I do not know if I am just trying to take you there to early in the game for you or what is going on. As soon as we get there you just start hollering and screaming and doing ANYTHING in your power to run around. I get so aggravated it pretty much defeats the whole purpose of going to Mass. The other parrishoners couldnt be nicer, they give me the "ahhh, you poor thing" smile meanwhile I do all I can to not pick you up by your collar and drag you out to the car! I guess I should wait on bringing you again.
This past weekend was also filled with our family fun as always! Friday we had a long walk in the leaves around the neighborhood. Saturday was Mommy's favorite lazy day! Sunday we went up to visit Aunt Sue and watch her and Daddy chop down a tree for fire wood. (poor tree! :( )
It was MUCH cooler up there than we expected. Winter is on its way - especially up at Windrock! So you and I got to hang out inside and rearrange - and break! - Aunt Sue's knick knacks! I can only imagine that she is still finding carrot sticks and apple slices all over the house from you! Zorro got to meet his first deer...Oh boy does Aunt Sue have her work cut out for her this weekend!
Alas a new week is here - and a special week at that! Its Halloween this weekend! So much to do!! My bet is you are going to be the cutest most fierce dragon ever seen! My little Cute-asoraus Rex!! I cant wait to see you all dressed up although I know it will be short lived! Bring on the trick or treaters! We will be armed with candy, goodies, and lots barks for everyone who enters the door! We have lots to work on this week - learning to be quiet, using a fork (or at least eating off some sort of utensil - in public AT LEAST!!) and for the Upteenth time I will try to get you to point at your "eyes" after Mommy says "where are Isaac's eyes?" 6 billion times!! Its always so easy looking on TV!
I love you Mr. Tiny Taranadon! Time for us to get up, get dressed, and start the day (it is 11:45 AM afterall!

Love, Mommy

Monday, October 18, 2010

Pumpkin Patching

Dear Baby I,
Another beautiful  fall week under our belts! The leaves are falling and the air is crisp - especially in the morning. Mommy has even been bit by the baking bug...of course EVERYTHING has pumpkin spice in it - I think its just because I like the way the house  smells when you bake with it - my baked creations are not really that good! But at least we dont have to burn candles!
This past week your "non" ear infection bloomed into a full blown cold....thanks Uncle Ronnie - stick with adult patients please!! You were officially the kid at the park with the green slime pouring out of your nose and I was officially "that mom" who should have kept her kid at home....oops! Of course infection doesnt make you tired...just slimy and oozeyand a little cranky. Luckily you learned to share this week and gave mommy some of your bug too. What a good boy you are!
We had a house guest this week - your favorite PradaBear was here all week! Wow! What fun our little Bungalow is with 3 big dogs and a sicky baby - and cranky mama! Regardless we loved having our favorite Pbear in town! 3 mopey-nobody-plays-with-me dogs is always better than 2 - especially in our lavish 900 sq ft urban fortress!
It seems this week your obsession with the garbage can has heightened! Now you drag it all around the house with you - and EVERYTHING is in there! Especially Mommy's cell phone and keys! I do not need the help losing those kiddo! We also put in some quality hours at the park this week - apparently everyone was there this week trying to soak up this beautiful fall weather - and who could blame them.
As for sleeping - this weekend was rough. I attribute it to your "non" infection and the ENTIRE top rack of teeth that is painfully bulging through! Who can blame you for being a crank pot?? (ok, I can...and did!..Sorry Monster!)
THis was also one of those weeks when I swear you got bigger right before my eyes! You are walking and talking (in official Isaa-rish, your own language) so much better. You seemed more determined than ever to get your way - whether it is pointing or screaming for a cookie or stuffing the rawhide into the dogs mouth. If you want it done you dont give up until mission accomplished - you must get that from Daddy! :) I cannot help but smile when I see all those little baby teeth in your mouth too..I just think My little Monster is growing his fangs! And SHARP fangs they are indeed! No more chewing on Mommy's fingers for you!
Uncle Ronnie was back in town this weekend - just the way we like it! Hopefully he didnt catch any of your "non" infection! He left for Vegas Sunday morning with Prada and Doc in tow. Mommy couldnt part with Zorro for so long. I hate to admit it but a one house dog is nice - but only temporarily! After Christmas all the mutts will be back at the fort eating your toys and waking you up at all hours of the day and night! Daddy and Uncle ronnie helped to get in the Fall Spirit by carving our pumpkin patch pumpkins. All was going well - until your daddy whipped out the power tools! So much for the little pumpkin knife you get at the grocery store! I have to admit the pumpkins looked great - So good, in fact, that the neighborhood squirrel coalition gobbled them all up while no one was looking. Daddy is still trying to get over that one. I have a feeling the next round of Jack-o-lanterns will be placed on the porch in a vault!

On a more serious note kiddo, Mommy watched a 20/20 special on Bullying this weekend and literally cried my eyes out and got sick to my stomach just thinking of this occurring to you. As a mom I would want to strangle any kid who hurts you - physically or emotionally. I know I am a little premature on worrying about this - but that show was devastating to watch. Im not sure how kids can be so mean and how parents can be so oblivious - or stupid. Although after living across from this middle school my money is on stupid. I hope and pray I am neither to you. I hope you know as you get older you can tell me and your daddy anything. It is our job to protect you and we will do all we can to make sure you grow up safe and sound. But be warned, if you should ever find yourself on the Bully's team - just know Mommy and Daddy will kick your ass - no matter how cute your little bummy is now! I promise you we will NOT be those parent in denial of "our little angel" Remember Mean people suck - no matter how old or young they are. Our job will be to teach you manners and the know-how to choose right from wrong. Everyone has feelings kiddo - and hopefully Daddy and I can teach you how to respect them all.
Well, Monday is here and we are embarking on another great weather week. It'll be a busy one filled with playdates, dr appointments, story hours and a go-again on the pumpkin carving. Today we are starting the week with a lazy pajama morning. You dont seem to mind. YOu have crawled in and out of you toy box and threw all your toys in the garbage can all morning. Now you are cuddled on the floor watching Elmo. Its a beautiful sight to see - only if it lasts a minute!

Here is to another great week for us my pasta only eating Mr. Monkey Diddle. I love so much and love watching you grow up and explore! Just do not do it too fast!
I love you very much baby!
Love, Mommy

Monday, October 11, 2010

My Little Bumpkin...

Dear Baby I,
You're not going to believe this, but as I write to you tonite I am sitting in a quiet house, the sounds of the rain outside are competing with the crackling fireplace and three dogs are asleep at my feet. It sounds like an urban myth to me! I know it is only momentary, but the tranquility of the house is amazing right now! I know I need to catalog this moment in my mind for a future freak out I am sure to have. But for right now I am just going to enjoy a quiet moment with Dalilah and all the love crazies calling her talk show. It is a great way to cap off an amazing week and weekend.
I think we had a pretty busy week if I do say so myself. We had a lot of babysitting, house guests, and play dates, Zorro had a ringworm scare, we went to the zoo with our friend Sadie, we finger painted with our friends Evan and Royoto, had an odd doctor's visit, went to story hour at the local library,  found you an awesome Halloween costume, went to the park, and of course topped it all off with a weekend visit from our favorite uncle Ronnie and Prada!
The week did start off with a rough patch. Other than Zorro's Ringo scare, You were a little sleepless nightmare to put it kindly. Nothing would soothe you and I was desperate for solutions! I turned to my favorite advice column, Facebook and got a slew of great ideas and suggestions from my fellow mom friends. There is nothing like power in numbers. I got A LOT of great advice - some I didn't even think of ( ear infections) and some I already knew ( and defied - ie..,letting you get in bed with me!)  We went to the Doctor's on Thursday and sure enough he said your ears were a little infected and set you up with some antibiotics. I thought we were smooth sailing from there. I had visions of sleep-filled nights bouncing in my head- until your Uncle Ronnie told me to hold off on the medicine until he personally checked your ears. In his opinion the Dr was just trying to shut me up and offered the Rx as a quick but unnecessary fix. He said NO Fever = NO Antibiotics. So we waited until Saturday nite. YOu seemed  to be doing much better anyway so I wasnt too concerned with the medicine. Of COurse Uncle Ronnie forgot his ear light...but at least I won $20 because I bet your Daddy he would!
Having Uncle Ronnie and PradaBear here was great! So great that PBear is STILL here! Uncle Ronnie will be back next weekend minus the 12 hour drive in. He really hasnt seen you walk before and he surely got a glimpse of the whole new handful you are! Although he said you walked like a little Frankenstein.....GRrrr
And then the silence was broken.....Oh Isaac! I can't wait until you are old enough to enjoy sleep - I am going to make your life hell then! :)
And we are Back! Thankfully that was easier than anticipated!

Well fall is definitely here! We had a weekend full on bundled in hats and hoodies! Sunday we took a trip to the Denver Botanical Gardens for the pumpkin festival. It has not rained one day since we got here - until Sunday! The weather did not slow us down though. We bundled up and packed you in the little red wagon and we were off to find the perfect pumpkin! Mud and Pumpkins - it was a double bonus for you! You were so excited I couldnt help but smile every time I looked at your cold rosy red cheeks and mud stained pants schlepping thru the pumpkin patch. Like every other mother on the planet I am sure, I kept thinking how lucky I was to have the cutest baby in the world!
This week you will officially be 14 months old! I cannot believe how time flies! These past few weeks have been so fun and exciting with you! You are catching on and picking up so many new tricks and traits! Peek-a-boo and "Roundy roundy roundy ball" are your favorite games to play! You even learned how to feed the dogs their morning bobees (bones). Of course you still stop dead in your tracks at the sound of Super Why and Barney - but I fear you have a fast falling crush for Thomas the Train too...Oh No!!!
Eating with you has been such a treat lately. To put it nicely - we havent mastered utensils yet. Honestly we havent even mastered using our hands yet! Just last night I found rigatoni in my purse. You pretty much live on avocado & fruit smoothies - and pasta with sauce. Feeding time is quite possibly the dirtiest thing I have ever experienced. My favorite part is when you feel you are done eating - and proceed to hurl the pasta (or whatever) across the room...while laughing hysterically! And of course, EVERYTHING tastes better off the floor! So after I get you out of your seat you proceed to eat it all off the floor - or in the case of your morning Cheerios - dump them all on the floor, THEN eat them!
I have a feeling talking is right around the corner. You babble like its nobody's business! Wherever we go it is a crowd stopper. YOu point and talk as if you have your own language! It is so funny! We call you wizard because you always point something as if you have a wand and are casting a spell! I wish I knew what you were saying. Whatever it is you sure are adamant about it!
It is now a rainy Monday morning and we have to get ready for the day ahead. We have a friend coming for the afternoon and we have much to do before she gets here! I can see avocado smoothie on the walls from where I am sitting and I know there is hummus on the couch downstairs! But, I can tell you are tired too - after all last nite was no walk in the park - but we should both be used to that already...Ugh. Maybe an early nap time is in our future - and maybe, just maybe, Mommy can take a peaceful shower all by myself! Dare to dream!
Well kiddo, here is to an equally happy and exciting week ahead for all of us - you, me, daddy and 3 crazy mutts! I am sure this house will shrink  - and stink  - fast!
Just remember my little bumpkin pumpkin Mommy loves you very much and looks forward to watching you grow at this exciting time of the year! You make everyday special - and at the very least, interesting!
I love you my muddy buddy!
Love, Mommy

Monday, October 4, 2010

Skidding Off on A Tangent

Dear Baby I,
The leaves are falling, the air is crisp, pumpkins on front porches and it is time for hoodies and sweater -  it is quite possibly the most wonderful time of the year! It is October!! Mommy's favorite month! It is hard to believe October is here - which means another year is winding down....How quickly the time flies when we are having fun - or when we NEVER go to sleep and the year is one LOOOOONG day! :)
This week we have a had blast enjoying the (semi) cooler fall weather. Although we have been in Denver for a little more than 1 month now, and NOT 1 drop of rain has fallen yet! We should probably enjoy the warmer dry weather now! I have a feeling when the snow rolls in it will be here to stay for a while!
We had a few playdates with our new friends Sadie and Ryomi. You are so cute to see playing with older kids. You try so hard to do everything they do! Don't try and grow up to quickly kiddo! Mama loves the little man you are!
This week (against your Daddy's advice) I was watching a program on TV about a family hard struck with struggles beyond most people's capacity to manage. I couldnt help but be reminded of how lucky we are to have such a healthy and beautiful baby in our life. Sometimes I take that for granted and need to remind myself that  a few sleepless nights is not the end of the world, A random temper tantrum in church is not going to break me, nor will wiping pasta sauce from the floor and walls. I love our time together. I love how I get to be your Stay at home Mommy in these precious early years. I do not want to forget one second of all this time I get to spend with you - nor do I want to rush it in any way, shape, or form. Sometimes I need to remind myself that parenthood is by far not an easy job - but more rewarding than anything I have ever done - or ever attempted to do. I may have completely underestimated parenting before I had you - but I will never take it if for granted again. Being a parent is not a job you can take lightly - nor is it a job where you can take time off. It is a lifetime commitment not meant for everyone. Fortunately for you, you lucked out with a mommy and daddy both up for the challenge. You may never know the sweat and tears that go into being a parent for years to come - but when you do you will understand what I am telling you.  You will realize one tiny smile or giggle is worth every sacrafice and struggle   - and it will forever change the way you see yourself and the world around you.
I read an amazing blog this week (Single Dad Laughing) about how the author  was in a store and the man in front of him kept scolding his child to "shut up" and "pretend he wasnt there". I have experienced this situation in real life all too often.  The author then went on to say how the little boy cowered at his fathers harsh words and lack of emotion towards him. The author, like I would have, wanted to go up to the man and punch him in the face for being so callous to an innocent child. The moral of the story was parenthood isnt for everyone and - in my opinion - should be banned from some people. Being a parent is more than being capable to spawn an offspring. It is being able to grow and foster a child's ability to go out in the world and do great things, to help those around them, and to help make the world a better place overall. I truly believe some people are not capable of that - for themselves or their offspring. It is a very heart breaking realization. I am all for needing a license to procreate!  I am also a huge fan of adoption, and would love to explore that option for our family someday. Until then I can only hope we are giving you everything we have to make you the best you can be - emotionally, spiritually and mentally. A lesson we learned from our amazing parents.
Wow kiddo - I real flew off the tangent ramp today!
Lest I not mention this past week's greatest achievement of all! Thursday you SLEPT THRU THE NITE!! We put you to bed at 8pm and woke up to the alarm buzzing at 5am!!! You never made a peep! We were shocked! Your daddy never jumped out of bed so fast! He ran into your room assuming someone snuck in in the middle of the night and snatched you up! ALthough it was not the "miraculous turn of events" we were hoping for. Friday night was nothing short of a nitemare  - full of screaming, kicking, tossing, turning - and not sleeping! Oh well....We will always have that one golden Thursday Nite! :)
The week ahead looks full of promise as well with a  trip to the zoo, playdates, and a pumpkin fest on the agenda! Possible dare I say a visit from our favorite uncle Ronnie and PBear too??? One can only hope!
Well kiddo off to check on you I go...This nap of yours has been going a little too well...that makes me worry :)
Just know my baby monkey man, your mommy and daddy love more than you can imagine and we, like you, are a work in progress. We are learning the ropes together and can only pray it is a long, loving, healthy learning process we are going thru.
I love mr monkey diddle.
Love, Mommy