Dear Baby I,
Sorry it's been so long kiddo, we have been so busy lately! Time sure does fly when you are having fun!
We just got back last night from our extended weekend in NEPA - 8 days later. Ugh. Its not that I don't love to spend time in NEPA - but next time we need to plan a little better - and spend a little less.

We were supposed to come home on Sunday...and then Tuesday..and finally Wednesday! Ugh what a trip! Although, I must say you have become quite the little trooper when it comes to flying. You are definitely no "lap child" though. We need to book our own row to contain you! Thankfully on this flight we lucked out and got to move to an open row, otherwise that would have been the icing on the cake of this whacky trip to NEPA! I am always in awe of the parents with the children on their lap. The kids just sit there. Calmly. Peacefully. Contently. You on the other hand are like trying to wrestle a giant jelly fish just to keep you in my row!! Thank goodness the cockpits now have locked doors - one glimpse of all those buttons and gadgets in there and I would have to sedate you to calm you down!! YOu definitely are your daddy's son!

What a little curious monkey you are becoming! Into EVERYTHING. Into - and On top of - as all good monkeys do, you like to climb and crawl on top of almost anything - like the kitchen counter, the stove (not on thankfully), your sand table, the toilet, TV stand - and of course the stairs! Not only that but, your new "no fear" attitude allows you to think you can jump off of almost anything too - the toilet seat is NOT a diving board into the Tub kiddo!!! And oh how you love your trucks these days - trucks, planes, busses, horses - you are fascinated by all modes of transportation! Everything is "trucks, trucks, trucks!"
My little cute dare devil! You are quite the handful these days which made your NEPA bug all the more disappointing! Once you get sit you turn into a koala - and hang off my neck. I swear every time we get on a plane you catch something! Luckily this one was not long lived - just long enough to cost us ridiculous $$$ in US air's Change fees - and rebooking fees - and processing fees,,,,only to find out the flight was later canceled anyway. Ugh!!! And then canceled again on Tuesday. Double Ugh!!!

The good news is that you were in full Isaac-Dare-devil-monkey-mode to fly home again on Wednesday! No sicky sleepy or lazy baby flyer for us! No way!!! You were all systems GO for the flight! Although We did get to spend some extra time at Noni's and Nono's .... and of course with your favorite Nona! (shhh! I wont tell you have favorites!!) That was great! You love all the attention of a house full of people doting on you! And You certainly love your Nona time kiddo 'almost' as much as she loves you!! You chase her around the house with her cane and love to rearrange all her statues and pictures! I love seeing you together! I think she forgets she is "almost 96" when you are around - she is just hell bent on making you giggle - and eat!! I love every second of it!

Now I know why people say kids brains are like "sponges" at this age. YOu remember everything. Everyone's name, where the cookies are stashed, the names of all your fruits and veggies, daddy home from work means time to go for a walk, and even who HO HO is. Yup, you seem to remember everything - except for bedtime. Yes somehow every night the fact that you have to go to bed and brush your teeth is a new and not so exciting new experience. Lucky us!

Maybe it was the illness, maybe it was the plane, or maybe it was the extended stay at Noni's, but it appears we have taken a major step backwards in Child-rearing this past week. Binkies, babas, clinginess, we have all of the above. Maybe it is because you so quickly had Noni, Nona, Krissy, Gigi, Zizi, Emily, Max and Joycee so quickly - and tightly - wrapped around your little finger. And just when our night time 'routine' could not get any worse come the kid koala clinginess in full boar! Don't get me wrong, I love that you want your mama all the time( and might I mention how much I love it when you call me Mama), but right now it is literally ALL THE TIME. If I am in sight you want "uppie" and if I am not in sight I can hear your crying for me - even if I am only in the bathroom! Especially at night.

Other than physical restraints I do not know how to keep you in your bed at night. You have taken freaking out and temper tantrums to a whole new level. When I finally give in and lay down with you I can barely breathe. YOu lay on top of my face as if getting inside my mouth would not be close enough for you! You're ALMOST worse than Doc! Oh kiddo, I know someday I am going to miss all this together time, but tonight I just want to go to sleep - in my own bed, without bottles dripping on me, wet sheets, binkie clips jabbing me or your cute little feet somehow kicking me in the face. Oh I can dream kiddo!

Anywho...we are finally back in Denver. Daddy is still busy (not) house hunting, you and Sadie are happy together at last, the dogs have torn the garbage can apart 3 times (in two days) and I woke up at 4:30am just to take a shower alone - I think we are right where we left off! At this very moment you are snug asleep in your 'big bed' as your Thomas the Train bed sits there all alone collecting laundry, toys and diapers. Whatever works Mr. Monkey! Good Night and Sweet dreams my sweet little Curious Monkey Caper! Mama loves you more than all the food the doggies can eat - in and out of the trash can!
I love you baby Monkey
Love, Mommy
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