Well it only took approximately 19 months, 2 weeks, and 3 days for me to lose my reign of power. To my utter heart break and dismay the fateful time has come - you want DADA for everything. You wake up in the morning "Dada?" you "Dada? Dada?" all afternoon, and (sigh) you even crawl up in his at night for a bedtime story and to get tucked in!!
Dada! Dada! Dada! Are you trying to kill me??? All the sleepless nights, the screaming, the kicking, the pinching, the puking, the diapers, and now all I get is "Dada!" Ugh. Well thats it! It only took 33 years but I have completely turned into Noni! Between my ugly fuzzy bathrobe, the bad back, cooking too much, and my crying over every movie I watch I may as well just change my name to Little Sandy. Oh Kiddo look what you have done to me!! You are lucky you are so darn cute otherwise I would seriously consider giving you away to the gypsies I keep telling you about! :) At least there is only one name you call for in the wee hours of the night....Ah Mama!!! Lucky me!
To say you are at the "fun age" would be an understatement right about now! You are into everything - and so curious and daring!! We finally bought you a helmet - and thankfully you love to wear it. It has already paid for itself too! You learned the hard way you cannot jump out of the back of the Daddy's truck (even if it is parked in the driveway of course). Lets not forget the your high 'clutz' level either - thankfully you had your helmet on when you were running so fast in the park you smacked right into a pole! Oh kiddo, I see lots of trips to the ER in our future!
Speaking of the ER, we had the scare of our life last week when you and Little Miss Sadie were being all devilish in the grocery store cart. Your little game of "who can rock the cart the hardest" turned into an ambulance ride to the ER when Sadie flipped out of the cart and whacked her head off the cement floor! Ugh! What a nitemare! Thankfully she is ok, just an extra easter egg on her head but when I think of all that could have happened I can kick myself for putting you two in the cart in the first place - at least without a helmet! You, on the other hand, could not have been more excited to get in the ambulance. Poor Sadie was crying her eyes out and you were beaming from ear to ear - saying Truck! Truck! Oh my little monster....

Thankfully the Bunny was a little kinder to Mommy and left you a basket full of non edible treats books, tractors, matcha (motorcycles) - and of course many many chi chi - which you conveniently think are cookies - but are really granola bars! Shhh!! And of course PICKLES!!! YOu and your daddy eat more pickles than anyone I have any seen! We are having Easter Lunch/dinner in a few hours and you are already conked out from sugar overload! Do NOT get used to all this sugar kiddo - although I am kind of liking the instant nap that follows!

Well my little Jelly Belly I hope you have a great 2nd Easter! I cant believe how much fun you are having - we are having!! I love watching you discover the world around you and the excitement you get in all I would have normally taken for granted! You truly are Mommy's greatest blessing! Enjoy your nap because when you wake up the Bunny may have a thing or two up her sleeve!
I love you MOnster Baby MOnkey!
Love, Mommy