Dear Baby I,
Happy Valentine's Day!! Ah, the day of over priced cards, flowers and candy. I can honestly say Mommy has never been a huge fan of the Hallmark Holiday - other than when your Noni would give me the green light to eat an entire box of swedish fish for breakfast (which in turn would result in years of lonely Valentines days - but I digress... ) In my opinion Valentine's day seemed more like a day to be celebrated by those who were a). a new couple b.) school children or c) those who rarely showed affection the other 364 days of the year. I ranked it up there with New Year's Eve - an amateur's holiday.

And although I have not really grown to love the day of chocolate covered hearts and flowers, I have a whole new fondness for the day as seen through the little eyes of children like you and your special Valentine, Sadie. Valentine's Day isn't just about having someone sending you flowers at work or having a secret someone think you're kind of hot, it's a day that reminds us that Love is Real and Hope for Love is alive - even if it is in the form of a Scooby-Doo Valentine. And ever since I fell in love with you some 18 months ago kiddo, my idea of love and being in love has forever changed. I honestly never knew I could love something and someone one(s) so much as I love you and your Daddy and the life we all have together. It may not seem like that everyday - especially when one of us is having an off night sleeping for an 18 month stretch - but for the most part you are the center of our universe, and we wouldnt change one star in our sky. You have made us realize that REAL LOVE is a whole new ball game and everything we thought we knew about it was simply a warm up practice for the real thing. We knew that LOve is patient Love is kind...But we didnt know Love was midnite screaming or moldy lemons in my shoes. Or that love came in the form of your stinky morning drool all over my face as you finally slept. Love is ever present in every cheerio embedded in the carpet or each dirty diaper we found just a little too late. Love is a whole new experience - one that we openly embrace.

This Valentine's Day I wasnt worried if I got Daddy the coolest gift or if he sent me flowers, (neither of which happened by the way) I was happier knowing that you have two parents that love each other and put you above all else in the world. In that sense, little Monkey you are both of our Special Valentines. You have a key role in creating this life we are living. Who knows where we would be in the world had you not entered it and changed our lives completely. In that sense you are a special little Cupid indeed. You have taught us more about things we didnt even know we had yet to learn! And you remind us daily how important it is to not take a second of our life together for granted.

So Happy Valentine's Day to my very special little Valentine. Sleep tight knowing you are loved more than the moon and the stars by your ever-adoring Mommy and Daddy. But keep in mind that green light on the candy turns red tomorrow!
I love you my little Monkey Cupid Butt!
Love Mommy
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