Dear Baby I,
Maybe it is the warmer weather - Maybe it's because you have been sleeping so well ( in Isaac terms) this week (knock on wood) but dare I say you and I had quite a pleasant week this week. Aside from mommy's rants last week that the world is ending, this week you seemed to give me daily reminders just how cute and precious you are! Every time I looked at you this week I wanted to freeze the moment and capture you at this age, this point in time for eternity! You are getting so big! - and so vocal, so smart - and oh so curious and daring! I know you are growing up against my will, but each day you remind me how lucky I am to be able to stay home with you and watch you discover the world on a daily basis.

This week we did such that! We played hard and you took no prisoners! These days its you and Sadie against poor 'ol me! Two toddlers is definitely a work out! You and Sadie get along so well, its great! I think you hear "Earth Angel" every morning when she walks in! And then the mayhem sets in. TOys all over the floor, juices and smoothies covering the walls, and of course every cupboard and drawer emptied by 10 am! Who needs a gym? (ok, i do, but that is beside the point!) If you asked me 10 years ago where I would be in life, I would have never guessed here - but in this dirty, sticky, messy moment, I wouldnt have it any other way!

We set One major milestone this weekend - the dreaded first hair cut. Your first trip to Barber Stan was a very big deal, although you were quite skeptical. Especially since the 3 year olds next to you were getting buzz cuts with loud clippers!! Bye Bye Baby curls! They look just as cute folded up in a napkin as they did on your head! I must admit - I think the new 'do is absolutely adorable. I guess you are quite the stud no matter what! Watch out Bieber! There is a new heart throb in town!!

This week we also spent a lot of time at the local library story hours. Apparently a little bit of snow on the ground makes the library a very busy place to be! But, you guys love it - all the kids, the books, the toys and of course running and screaming make it a kids hey day in there! We have also ventured out on walks more this week - yes walks! As in BOTH of us walking. Who knew a simple stroll up and down the block could take nearly an hour! I can only imagine what a trip AROUND the block would be like! I may have to pack us a lunch!

In line with my current constant state of thought of freezing time, another one of my "babies" has a big week coming up next week. I cannot believe it, but your cousin, my baby Bratty, turns Sweet 16 on Tuesday!! WHere the heck does the time go!! It seems like yesterday that I was taking her to Discovery ZOne (where she inevitably got sick every time) and listening to her belt out "2 Pina Coladas" (which she always thought was a counting game!) How could that sweet little girl be getting a driver's license!? It just doesnt seem possible! My one time little brat is a now boy crazed, clothes hog, texting, Grown up - but she will alway be my little Brat to me! Although I am sure that is how it will be with you! One day you are dancing naked to the Pajaminals Lullaby in the middle of the living room and the next youll be sharing your father's affinity for racy Gwen Stefani posters (which will no doubt (ha!) STILL remain in the garage!!) Ugh! When did Mommy get so old?

All I know kiddo, is I am not going to be in any rush with you growing up! Please take your time!! I realize in the beginning I was constantly waiting for that "easy age" to come - 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, blah. Here we are almost 18 months old, you're still not much of a sleeper, (you are one heck of a restless little bed hog though!) you eat like you belong in a stall, and you scream and throw yourself onto the floor over the slightest hiccups in your day. So be it!!! Scream, rant, squirm, throw all you want! I will gladly take it all in...for now :)
Love you Baby Monkey
Congratulations, kiss & hugs to a Big Boy for his first haircut. Gramma loves you xoxoxox