Dear Baby I,
How did this happen??? How did you get to be ONE year old in such a short amount of time? How did you go from a crying, helpless little bundle of joy to a screaming, laughing, cupboard emptying little Monster? Where did the time go? It was a blink of an eye - yet I cannot remember one second before you were here. I Feel like my whole life was turned upside down and inside out in the past 365 days and I wouldn't have it any other day.

It has been a "quick year", but let's be honest - it has had some long days - and longer nights for sure! Thinking back I sometimes wonder how we both made it through this year. You surely gave me a run for my money this year. I cannot imagine what other event in life can you make feel so many different emotions in such drastic fashion. We laughed, we cried, we pooped, we didnt poop, we stayed up all night, we ate LOTS of watermelon, and we watched our Beloved Super Why.

Your First Bday party was a HUGE success. You played, you ate - and you mashed up your first watermelon cake with gusto! I better get practicing now on next year's cake to avoid this year;s icing disasters! You also got a lot of cool toys too - including an awesome wagon from Uncle Ronnie and Thomas the Train from Daddy! Now the hard part - getting all the stuff onto the moving truck!

As a new mom I gained such a HUGE respect for all moms this year. (thanks Mom!!) It is definitely not a job to be taken lightly. In the past 365 days I can probably count the amount of hours I was NOT in your sight on one hand! It has been an AMAZING honor to watch you grow this year and I am so thankful God chose me to be the Mommy of such a darling, healthy, curious, active, adorable and vocal baby boy. Let's hope year 2 brings us lots of love, family, fun...and to go out on a crazy limb - SLEEP!
I love you Mr. Monster Sir I! Happy First Birthday!!
Love, Mommy
Happy First Birthday, Baby Boy. I don't where the time goes either. Gramma sends you lots of hugs & kisses.