Well I guess this is as good a time than ever to pick up our sweet story. No time like the Present!
August. Can you believe it? I swear we were just putting away the Christmas decorations (ok, for the most part we were...) Here we are at the end of the Summer with so much that happened and so much on the horizon. It is hard to know where to start! But rather than playing catch up at the moment, I think the best place to pick up is where the blog all started.
Happy Birthday Mommy's Best Big Boy Isaac!

For the most part, the past four years have been a whirlwind blur of diapers, sleepless nights, hair -raising tantrums, sticky hands, and dirty feet! Honestly, I dont think I can remember anything before four years ago! I feel like you have always been a part of me - my little inner voice reminding me of what is important in life and how to savor the feeling of seeing the world through the eyes of child. Not to mention the geographical whirlwind we have been on too! Five years, seven houses, three states - and counting!! You have been such a trooper! Putting up with Mommy and Daddy's crazy adventures and seamlessly falling into your role as our Mini-wanderer!

You have made us the proudest Mama and Papa ever! You are Mommy's Best Big Boy and Daddy's Little Buddy - and best Worker Man! You are always the light of the party with a style and swagger all your own! I love watching you come into your own and seeing the little man your are becoming! Your insight on the world gives me faith in the future - and I know you will do great things with your life. You make me believe that sometimes your dad and I may be doing this parenting thing right. I thank God for each night I get to tuck you in because I know in the morning you will be one day closer to being the big boy who doesnt need his 'HoHo" blankie or want his mommy to tuck him in. I know I am a bit overwhelming at times but
I can only hope we are creating a childhood full of magic and wonder and not one that you will have to recover from! I know I cant keep you my little boy forever but I dont want to miss a thing! I dont want you to ever grow out of the little things that make my day - like seeing you snuggle up in a basket of warm clothes from the dryer or hearing the jingle of your Binky clip as you climg into bed.
Happy Birthday To My one-of-a-kind-Pickle-Eatin-Cowboy-boot-wearin-rock-collecting-monster-truck-jammin-superhero-lovin-worker-man! Let's see if we can get one more year out of that "Birthday Boy" shirt! I love you to the Moon and Back and more than all the stars in between!
I Love you all so much!
Love, Mommy