Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dear Daddy...

Dear Baby I...

And we are back!!! After a brief hiatus, our friend Mr. MacBook is back in action! Who knew a little spill off the kitchen table could do so much damage!
This past weekend wasFather's day and I would like to take a moment - a brief moment - to brag about your Daddy. You are one lucky kiddo, kiddo! Not only do you have a Mommy that thinks you are the Bees Knees but you also have one of the greatest Daddy's ever made(except for you Nono, of course)! I love the way you light up when Daddy's work truck pulls up to the house every afternoon. YOu get so excited to have your daddy home. You are definitely your 'Daddy's Little Man'. YOu follow him around like a puppy - or shall I say - Like Doc!
All day long you carry your tools around the house 'fixing things' things like your Daddy. There is also that new obsession with the boat - just like your daddy. You even leave your clothes and shoes strewn all over the floor - JUST LIKE DADDY!! (ok, you have a better aim at the hamper than Daddy) You sure learn quick Monkey Man!!
Unfortunately we live in a time w
hen not every kid is as lucky as you - some kids grow up not even knowing their dads. You, on the other ha

nd, have one of the greatest role models on earth when it comes to learning how to be "A Man". Watch and learn kiddo - Your Daddy isan incredible Man and Father and you can learn a lot from him - except, possibly, where the hamper is. Always remember, you have two parents who love you - and each other - more than anything in the world. I hope some day you realize what an amazing gift that is.
Happy Father's day Daddy! You deserve it!
In other news you have been quite a terror lately. Not in the regular Isaac-hellion-way but in a crabby-sick-miserable kind of way. At first we thought it was pink eye, then we thought you had severe allergies, now, weeks later we finally got the strep diagnosis. I completely blame Aunt Krissy. :) She is evil, Monkey! She was probably coming up with this plan for weeks! Ugh!!....(relax Krissy, my forgiveness can be bought) :) Hopefully now we are on the mend - and yeah! for you one more medicine to take. It is scary how much you like to take medi

cine. Im sure that is just another 'quirk' you picked up from your Uncle Ronnie.
We finally took Daddy's boat - or shall I say Isaac's Boat - on its maiden voyage. YOu loved it - minus the cranky-miserable-sleepless-screaming part. I think your favorite part was spitting all the peanut shells on the floor with Uncle Ronnie. Oh Uncle ROnnie - we can count on him for teaching you how to spit on the floor, medicine fetishes, and learning to say "mommy beats me". I hope the life lessons only get better from here. The water was pretty darn cold - and you are not a huge fan of the life vest - but I have a feeling you are going to be a BIG fan of "Isaac's Boat" - and I am sure that is the best present Ever you can give your Daddy for Daddy's Day (although Im sure the Bonsai tree we got him is a close second!)
Well my monkey, the summer is in full effect and we have so much planned and so much to do! I hope you enjoy every minute of it (aside from the evil strep...Aunt Kri$$y). We have festivals and farmers markets to go to, parades to watch, Libraries to visit, fountains to jump in, hoses to drink from, and plenty of parks to hit up! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! THis week we get t

o go see Aunt Sue and the Horses!!! You are already so excited to see the horses. Now if we can only get you to touch one!
Rest up my Monkey man and get the most out of that nap! Our fun is only just beginning!!
I love you baby rug rat!
Love, Mommy

Sunday, June 5, 2011

On the Run

Dear Baby I

Have I ever told you watching you run makes me giddy?? Aside from your little white boy dance(/bounce) and your (not so) new found love of jumping, I cannot think of anything that makes me smile more than watching you run. Head bouncing like a bobble head and your "ahhhh" yell like you are talking into a fan, melts my heart every time I see it. Of course it usually end in some kind of fall or skinned knee, but you are quite the toughie! Usually you stand right up, smile, and say "I okay!" I know I say it time and time again - but you are the cutest kid ever kiddo!!
We have had such a busy May! After Gramma's visit - which you have since been saying "gramma go in blue truck" - we have been busy getting in summer mode. Not sure how spring crept in and snuck out so quickly, but the heat is here and my guess is it is here to stay. Your Daddy couldnt be happier! He can finally try out that new boat of his. Oh the boat. Im sure you will LOVE it, Mommy on the other hand may need some convincing. (like always)
Memorial Day was here and gone and the official start of summer has begun! We spent an awesome long weekend in NEPA. A surprise trip in to visit Noni and Nono. They were shocked - and loved having you around the house. The flight in was a nightmare. NIGHTMARE. I will never not buy you a seat again no matter how tempting it may be. YOu were tired, cranky, squirmy and LOUD! Did I mention it was a midnight flight? When we finally got to NEPA, Mommy was ready for a nap - a long nap!! YOu were ready to roll.
You made yourself right at home. Nona's room was rearranged in no time. You found all the breakables in seconds and just for Nono, you got as many crackers as you could find all over the floor! Perfect! You were running the show and had everyone eating right out of your hand! Just how you like it.
Nepa was hot and sticky - a not so fun combination - but you didnt seem to mind. You had so much fun sitting on the porch playing cars. I dont think Nono or Krissy ever sat on the porch in the heat so much! When it got too hot you were perfectly content in the house carting all your (my)"care burrs" from Nona's room to the living room - over and over again! You also wore yourself - and NOna out by teaching her to jump - over and over again!!

And then there was the parade. Oh the powers of the mighty West Wyoming Parade. You were over the moon!!! You were in awe of how many fire trucks could go down the street  - slowly -and throwing candy!!! It was like a dream come true!! And you got to sit on the curb and run out into the street to pick up your candy. Poor Emily had to restrain you from wanting to march off with the parade down the middle of the street! I never realized how far back a single parade could set back months of toddler training! You waved and waved your little arm off and shouted HI!! to every person who passed by. It was great! YOu were so happy - it (almost) made the the flight in worth it!
Since we have been back in Colorado we are still on the go-go-go!  Sadie was thrilled to have you back as you were equally excited to see her. Daddy had a boat sitting in the drive way (yeesh.). And it looks like the heat followed us back. Luckily the we left the mosquitoes behind, but the moths are crazy here - you keep yelling "butterfly" every 2 minutes!
Speaking of yelling - your vocabulary has taken a massive leap lately! you are starting to put together sentences - my favorite one being "Mommy, pretty is." Ok, I admit it - when you said that I cried - but just a little! You are also starting to sing your favorite songs - like "itchy itchy fider" and "Hoppy bertday to You. Bear" which is immediately followed by you giving yourself a big clapping "YEAH, now cake!" YOu are so damn cute I man!!!
It amazes me how much fun you are these days - and you are even sleeping like a champ (knock on wood) Everyday I wish I could freeze time and keep you at this age forever! But that wouldnt be fair to you- plus we don't have the freezer space! :)
So I will continue to watch you grow and learn and discover and I will write it all down just so I dont forget how amazingly cute all your little idiosyncrasies are - even your annoyingly cute cries of "its too dark" when you are out side in the sunshine or we have all the lights in the house on. Oh my I monkey you are truly the apple of my eye!
I love YOU Pirate Monkey Man!
Love, Mommy