What a hot week we have had! The weatherman on TV says it has been over 40 straight days of 100+ degrees! Ugh! It's hot out there! I hate it! YOu hate it! The dogs hate it! It is just miserable! But we are off too see Daddy this week in Colorado so we will have a nice little break from the heat. We also get to see all the new toys Daddy got you at the new house! I can only imagine how "not overboard" he has gone.
Well Kiddo, it has been an odd kind of week for us. I have been unusually over emotional this past week. I have been doing the whole "what is the meaning of life" thing more than usual... Ugh! Thank goodness you are too young to understand those rants. I just want to make sure when I look back at my life I can say I really accomplished something - and not wasted my life away worrying about what size jeans I wore. I want to be a good mom, a good daughter, a good sister, a good love, and a good friend. Most importantly I want to be good to myself and I need to figure that out if I am going to accomplish the rest. And I am slowly learning that pleasing everybody is not the answer.
This week I also thought a lot about what I have learned in my first almost 50 weeks of Mommy Training. Here is my top 10:
3. I will never sleep more than 3 hours again. Ever. :(
4. If you have ANY value in your feet DO NOT BUY A WALKER! I swear they line the edges of those things with razor blades purposely to drive parents insane!
5. DO not ever buy anything that fits - no matter how cute it is and regardless if it is the only size available and it is on sale. You babies are like weeds and you will have grown out of it BEFORE we have finished checking out!
6. TV is not the enemy. Dead Batteries in the remote are the Enemy!
8. Babies are hard-wired to love the taste of Dog food. I have no other explanation for why I seem to find it jam packed in your mouth every day.
9. Babies know they are cute. Otherwise you would stop doing whatever it is you were doing when I yell "no!" rather than giving me a devilish grin and laughing in my face.
and Finally....

We have a big week ahead of this week! Thursday we are off to see Daddy in Denver and check out the new house and neighborhood! Another chance for you to add some more frequent flier miles to your impressive fly time! I am sure we will have a great time there and I am also pretty sure I am ready to hand you over to Daddy for a little bit!
Well Baby monster, as we get closer to closing out our first year together, all I can tell you for sure is that I never thought I could love anything as much as I love you. I can not even remember me before there was a you! You are my little monster monkey - my devilish baby-dare-devil-wonder!
I love you Monster I!!
Love, Mommy