Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A lot to be thankful for!

Happy Thanksgiving Sir Isaac! This is definitely a year we have A LOT to be thankful for! Not only do Daddy and I have the good fortune of being blessed with wonderful families and friends...but this year we have a whole new addition to our lists of "Blessings" Who knew a screaming little baby boy could be such a Blessing in disguise! OK..we knew!
     We are spending our first Turkey day in Elko this year with Gramma 'Berta and Grampa Pat! SO far Isaac has made liars out of us! He has been a complete angel so far! barely a crying peep out of his little mouth! I cant believe it! Maybe we took the wrong baby! Although it was surely our hellish baby angel in the car on our 8 hour trek out here!...But whatever works! Im pretty sure he just is bored of us and is stoked to have new faces doting over him....Thank heavens for Grandparents! As well as baby-less getaways  to the gym (ugh, i am so sore!) and the store.

    That is all for now - just a big Happy THanksgiving to all of our family and friends. We can wait to see the rest of you over CHristmas! More faces and more babysitters! The list of Thankfuls keeps growing!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

THe First 100 days!

                                                                                                                                                              Dear Isaac,
     You are 100 days old today! I cannot believe it! My little monster is officially 3 months old! So now is when the fun starts right??? Well apparently you didnt get the memo that you are not supposed to cry so much anymore...we will just blame that on your inability to read just yet!
      The past 100 days have been such a whirlwind of emotions....I cannot imagine anything in the world causing such a roller coaster of emotions than motherhood! Your smiles & giggles give me the highest highs and your screams and cries give me the lowest lows (so you can stop the crying at any moment now please!) I have never been so proud and so terrified all in one! I cannot believe I have not driven your Daddy crazy yet!! No preparation in the world can get you ready for a journey like this!
    Everyday is something new! I love peeking over your bed each morning to see you smiling face!  I cannot wait for all the fun times we will have together - you, me & daddy! I look forward to the new things you do everyday and watching you grow! You are definitely a 12lb handful for sure! But for all of my gripes, I wouldnt have it any other way! You are the one the angels picked out for me and Daddy and we are so thankful to have you in our lives!
    I love you more than anything LIttle Sir! And I look forward to each and everyday new and exciting moment with you! Happy  100 days! May there be MANY MANY MANY more!!!
     Love, Mommy

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Road Trippin!

      Ho Hum! What to do when all the Halloween candy is gone and Mommy and Daddy both have the week off....Let's jump in the car and take a 15 hour drive to Colorado!! Just shy of 3 full months of life Little Man has already seen the sights of Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and Colorado! 5 days, 4 states, 3 time zones and 2 exhausted parents leads to 1 amazing Family vacation!
      Isaac was such a trooper on the ride! After waking the little critter up at 2 AM and hittin the highway, we were off! All was going well until we hit that Rocky Mountain High!!! Stupid Mommy didn't even think about the altitude change affecting his ears...that is when the Rocky Mountain Meltdown began! I felt so bad! He cried and Cried and nothing seemed to help him...until he finally (hours later) fell asleep from exhaustion! Poor guy! By the time we got to Jason's Aunt Sue's house he was wiped out! And so were we!
     But the next morning he was up with a big smile on his face and a sure crowd pleaser!  We had a great time at Aunt Sue's amazing ranch in Boulder!  Isaac got his first glimpse of horses, deer, and the amazing dacschunds  Mr, Boges and Joey! While in Colorado we also did some exploring of the "most colorful state". We saw the sights of Colorado Springs, Manatou, the Garden of the Gods, Old Colorado City and Boulder city! A lot of driving for 5 days! But well worth the trip! Although Im sure we have scarred Isaac from ever wanting to get in his car seat again! Who knows maybe he will finally start sleeping in his crib! (doubt it)
     Back in Vegas we are scurrying around trying to get the house all packed up and moved out! Who knew you could accumulate so much junk in such a little bit of time! I blame my mom for that genetic default! And since when does a barely 3 month old need a bigger wardrobe than his mommy and daddy combined??  At this rate I won't have to buy him new clothes till junior high!
    Speaking of Mr. Man (which is  what I am supposed to be doing here, right??) He is growing in leaps and bounds these days! He has finally busted out of his Size 1 diapers and is barely wearing his 3 months clothes! I have tried to get him from stop growing so fast but he just won't listen to me!  He is like an out of control weed - although he is pretty damn cute! And the giggles?? Well they are just to die for...if you can get one! Daddy can...I think they plot against me when I am not around! As if I am not emotional enough!

    We are 6 days away from the magic month 3 when all the chaos falls into place and Isaac magically becomes the perfect Gerber baby! I cant wait! Only 6 more days of uncontrollable screaming and crying for no reason!! 6 more days? I can handle that! Bring on Magic #3!!! Just keep in mind if we don't see any changes come November 17, Jason and I will personally seek all of you "magic Month 3 liars" out! So beware!
   The holiday season will be filled with lots of travel time again(weather permitting of course!) First we are off to Elko for Thanksgiving with Gramma Berta and to meet Grampa Pat! Also I finally booked our plane tickets to NEPA for the holidays!(December 15th) I cannot wait to go home! Little guy will finally get to meet his Nono, Nona, Aunt Kri$$y( that a typo?), & Uncle Mark! Noni will be so shocked at how big he is! I will be scared to death of flying with him until the second we land! More than anything I am scared he will have a freak out and they will have to land the plane in some remote midwest location and kick us off the plane for not being able to control our child! We will end up on 20/20 with Barbara Walters condemning us for being such horrible parents! How embarrassing!Ugh! I don't even have a ready-for-TV-body yet!!
     Well thats all for now! Hope to hear from you all soon and see you at the holidays!